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Dragon finds his Family
Dragon goes to Germany
Detective Dragon
The Soccer Match
A Dragon's Christmas
Dragon's Snowman
Dragons Road Trip
A Medal for Dragon
The Backyard Explorers

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This and That:

Dragon Stories

A Medal for Dragon (Part 2)

By Sarah Blauen
Illustrated by Wolfgang Blauen


“No Dragon, the Easter bunny will come tonight and hide the eggs,” replied Mom. “You can hunt for them in the morning. We should get cleaned up, now. We need to get the Easter baskets out so you’ll be ready for tomorrow.”

Dragon helped Mom and Dad get the baskets out of the closet. He made sure each one had just the right amount of Easter grass in it. He and Mom had worked so hard decorating the eggs; Dragon didn’t want one to get broken when it was put in the basket during the Big Easter Egg Hunt.

Easter morning Dragon jumped out of bed. At the end of the bed, he found his basket. He was certain the Easter bunny had been there because there were three little fuzzy chicks and five chocolate eggs in the basket. Dragon was ready to start hunting the colored eggs. 

“Mom, Dad!” shouted Dragon. “Wake up! The Easter bunny has been here!”

“Wait for us, Dragon,” answered Mom. “Don’t go into the living room yet!”

So…Dragon waited in the hallway for Mom and Dad. He practiced picking up imaginary eggs and putting them in his basket. Dragon was sure this would help him find the most eggs. He had found five imaginary eggs by the time Mom and Dad came in with their baskets.

“Look, Mom!” Dragon said excitedly, “the Easter bunny left me three little chicks and some chocolate eggs.”

“That’s nice,” Mom said as she showed Dragon her basket. “I got two pink chicks and a dark chocolate bunny. What did Dad get?”

“I got a rooster and some chocolate eggs,” replied Dad. Everyone was very happy with their surprises.

“Can we start hunting eggs now?” asked Dragon anxiously.

“”We’ll all count to three and then start hunting,” Dad said. “Remember, the one who finds the most eggs wins the Big Easter Egg Hunt Medal.”

“One, two…THREE!” they all said. And the Easter Egg Hunt started.

Dragon looked under the chair. He found a yellow egg! He looked in the plant- there was a green one. Dragon looked next to the lamp and beside the stereo. There were eggs hiding everywhere he looked. Dragon hunted and hunted and found egg after egg. (His detective training was paying off.) His basket was getting heavy from all the eggs he found.

“Did you look up high?” asked Dad. Dragon looked over the door. 

“I see an egg!” Dragon exclaimed. “Can you reach it for me, Dad?”

“Sure, here it is,” Dad said as he handed the egg to Dragon.

“Wow! This is a special egg!” Dragon shouted. “It looks like Humpty Dumpty!”

“The Easter bunny must have made that one just for you,” laughed Mom. “I think that was the last egg. Let’s see who found the most.”

So they sat on the floor and counted their eggs. Dad had six eggs in his basket. Mom had four eggs in her basket. Dragon had fourteen eggs in his basket.

“No wonder your basket was so heavy, Dragon,” Mom said. “You found the most eggs. That makes you the official winner of the Big Easter Egg Hunt.”

“Look, Dragon,” Dad whispered. “The Easter bunny left the winner a gold-covered chocolate bunny.”
Dragon could barely believe his eyes. There on the gold-covered bunny was his prize…a bell on a red ribbon. It sparkled in the morning sunlight. Dragon hurried over and put the ribbon over his horns and wiggled it past his nose. He jingled the bell as it hung around his neck.

“Look, Mom! Look, Dad! My first medal…I’m going to wear this everyday!” Dragon shouted. - And that is just what he did ever since.


(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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