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A Dragon's Christmas
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Dragons Road Trip
A Medal for Dragon
The Backyard Explorers


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This and That:

Dragon Stories

A Medal for Dragon (Part 1)

By Sarah Blauen
Illustrated by Wolfgang Blauen


Mom and Dragon were in the kitchen. They were boiling eggs…lots and lots of eggs. It’s almost Easter and the eggs were for the Big Easter Egg Hunt. But first they would have to color them.

Mom set out six cups and filled each one half-way up with water and added a splash of vinegar. Next she got a package of small bottles down from the cabinet. Each bottle had a different colored top – red, blue, yellow and green.

“I like those little bottles,” said Dragon as he reached for the blue topped bottle. “Can I play with them?”

“No, Dragon,” Mom replied. “These bottles contain food coloring that will stain anything it gets on. I have to be careful not to spill any.”

Dragon backed away from the bottles. He didn’t want his green fur to change colors. Still, he was very curious about what Mom would do with the little bottles of stain-making stuff.

“But Mom, what do you do with the bottles?” asked Dragon as he hopped from foot to foot.

“I’m going to put a few drops of red in the first cup. A few drops of blue in the second cup. In the third cup, a couple of drops of yellow, and a few drops of green in the fourth cup,” answered Mom while unscrewing the top of the red bottle.

“Then in the fifth cup, I’ll put a drop of red and a drop of yellow to make orange. And in the last cup, I’ll make purple with a drop of red and a drop of blue. Then we can start coloring the eggs.”

Dragon could hardly wait to see all the colors. He stopped hopping from foot to foot and started rubbing his horns. Dragon was thinking of all the different ways he wanted to color his eggs.

“I want to make a solid blue egg first and then a rainbow egg and then a green one with orange spots and then a dark red egg and then…hmm…maybe a purple stripped one,” Dragon explained.

“Okay, that sounds pretty. First, let’s put on our aprons so we don’t get any of the colors on us. I’ll show you how to dip the egg so the color won’t splash out,” Mom replied.

The two of them created all sorts of colored eggs-solid ones, striped ones, polka-dotted ones, two-tone eggs, rainbow eggs and eggs with stars on them. Sometimes they used a paint brush and sometimes they just dipped them in the cups of color. Making Easter eggs was fun. Mom and Dragon laughed and laughed.

“What’s going on in here?” Dad asked as he came into the kitchen.

“We’re coloring Easter eggs!” laughed Dragon.

“It’s a good thing you have on an apron, Dragon,” said Dad. “Otherwise you would be much more colorful than you already are. How many more eggs do you need to color?”

Dragon looked at his apron. It had splashes and drips of different colors all over it. He was glad Mom had put the apron on him.

“When Mom finishes making squiggly lines on her green egg, we’ll be through,” Dragon answered. “Then do I get to hide the eggs and hunt them?”


(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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