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Dragon finds his Family
Dragon goes to Germany
Detective Dragon
The Soccer Match
A Dragon's Christmas
Dragon's Snowman
Dragons Road Trip
A Medal for Dragon
The Backyard Explorers


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This and That:

Dragon Stories

Dragon Travels to Germany (Part 1)

By Sarah Blauen
Illustrated by Wolfgang Blauen


One day Dragon woke up and the house was a wreck. There were boxes and bags and clothes everywhere. Was there a tornado or had someone come in during the night to make such a mess? No, Mom and Dad are just getting ready to take a trip. Does Dragon get to go too?

Mom said, “No, Dragon, you can’t go. It’s too far away and we have to fly on an airplane.” 

“But where are you going, Mom? I want to go with you,” Dragon cried.

“We’re going to Germany. You’ll have to ask Dad if you can go,” Mom said. So Dragon hurried off to the Guest Bedroom where Dad was packing the suitcases.

“Dad! Leave some space for me. I want to go with you to Germieland.” (That’s what Dragon calls Germany.) Dad wanted to take Dragon with them all along and made sure to leave just enough space. Of course, first Dad had to give Dragon a hard time about whether or not he could come.

“Remember Dragon, you don’t have a passport. The Police in Germany won’t let you stay in the country without a passport,” said Dad. 

“That’s ok,” Dragon said, pointing at his leg. “I have my tag and that will be good enough.” 

“But you don’t have a ticket,” replied Dad. “How will you get on the airplane?” 

“Oh, I’ll just go as ‘Infant in Lap’ and you or Mom can hold me the whole way there,” answered Dragon. 

“No, I don’t think so,” laughed Dad. “Here, jump into the suitcase. I left space that just fits you. You can sleep snuggled in the clothes and no one will ask for your ticket.”

Dragon wiggled into his spot in the suitcase. Dad was right, it was just his size! They waited to close the lid and zip him in until morning. That’s when the real adventure would begin! Dragon was so excited he couldn’t sleep a wink.

The next morning, they took a taxi to the airport and checked the bags at the ticket counter. Dragon was nervous about what would happen next. 

He heard Dad whisper, “Don’t worry Dragon. You are going on the conveyer belt then into the airplane baggage compartment. You can open the zipper just a little and peek out if you want to look around.” 

Dragon carefully took a peek or two then settled in for a long nap. He was very tired since he had not slept the night before…YAWN! and he went right to sleep.

(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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