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Dragon finds his Family
Dragon goes to Germany
Detective Dragon
The Soccer Match
A Dragon's Christmas
Dragon's Snowman
Dragons Road Trip
A Medal for Dragon
The Backyard Explorers

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This and That:

Dragon Stories

Dragon's Snowman (Part 2)

By Sarah Blauen
Illustrated by Wolfgang Blauen


Dragon and Dad went outside and started making the path. Dragon pushed the shovel helping pile up the snow. When the shovel was full, Dad picked it up and threw the snow over to the side. Soon, they had made a path.

“I know what we can do with the snow we just moved,” Dad said as he made a small ball of snow. “Let’s build a snowman.”

Dad showed Dragon how to make a snowball. Then, they each rolled their ball in the snow until it was just the right size for the snowman’s body. Dragon made another ball and rolled it making sure it stayed a bit smaller than the others.

“Here Dad, here’s the snowman’s head,” puffed Dragon. “This is fun, but it is hard work.”

“Thanks, Dragon. Are you too tired to finish the snowman?” asked Dad.

“No,” Dragon said. “He still needs arms and a face.”

So Dad and Dragon made the snowman’s arms and used leaves for his eyes. Just then, a neighbor opened their door and tossed a carrot to them to use for the nose.

“Thanks,” yelled Dragon. “We ate our last carrot yesterday. Now he looks like a real snowman!”

And with that, Dad and Dragon stepped back to admire their handy work. After examining their work very carefully, Dragon started rubbing his horns. Then he opened the door and ran upstairs. When Dragon came back, he had his “detective hat” in his hands.

“Dad, please put this on the snowman’s head,” Dragon said. “He looks too cold without a hat.”
Then Mom came outside to see what Dragon and Dad had been doing. She was greeted by a waving snowman wearing Dragon’s hat.

“I think this will be the best snowman in the neighborhood,” Mom said. “At least he will be the friendliest snowman. Do you want to come inside for some hot chocolate to warm you up?” Dragon and Dad stomped the snow off their feet and came inside.

“Mom, can I have warm chocolate?” asked Dragon. “Hot chocolate burns my tongue.”
“Of course, I forgot you are still just a small dragon,” replied Mom as she fixed their drinks.

Dragon waved goodbye to his snowman as he went into the kitchen and enjoyed his big cup of warm chocolate.


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