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Dragon finds his Family
Dragon goes to Germany
Detective Dragon
The Soccer Match
A Dragon's Christmas
Dragon's Snowman
Dragons Road Trip
A Medal for Dragon
The Backyard Explorers

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Dragon finds his Family 2
Dragon finds his Family 3


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This and That:

Dragon Stories

Dragon Finds His Family (Part 3)

By Sarah and Wolfgang Blauen
Illustrated by Wolfgang Blauen


The dragon waited…and waited…and waited.  But no one was able to win him.  After a while, when all the kids were gone and the short fat man was getting ready to close the booth, the furry dragon became sad. He was still hanging at the top under the roof.

Then a tall friendly looking man walked up to the booth, pointed to the balls and said “Five please”.

The short fat man handed him the balls and he began throwing. The tall man aimed right for the hole scoring the highest points. The first ball went in. All the animals were happy. And then the next one went into the same hole. The tall man started smiling after the third ball scored and then the fourth. Now the small dragon was really getting excited. Should this be the day? Could this be the special person he was destined to go home with? Dragon closed his eyes.  He couldn’t watch as the tall man aimed his last ball at the booth and threw – HIT. High score! The furry, green dragon almost jumped off his hook!

The tall man rejoined the small group of people he came with. He made fun of the little dragon and joked he couldn’t possibly take a dragon back to Germany, where he came from.

“This is the special person I’m supposed to meet?” the dragon thought. “I hope he’s not going to throw me away.”  A tear started to drip out of the corner of one eye.

Then the tall man took a man and woman in the group aside and said “Thanks for this trip. We’ve had a lot of fun and we appreciate you taking the time off to show us your country”. He gave the little dragon to his friends and said: “Here, take good care of him.”

Now the dragon understood. Being special wasn’t just about reaching the highest score. It was about being a good friend.

The tall man and his friends moved on and finished their tour through Texas. The dragon got to sit in the rear window and watch all the way to Dallas – that was a lot of fun!

A few days later the tall man and one of his friends left for their home county.  The funny, little dragon stayed with the couple in Texas.  He called them “Mom” and “Dad” and soon thereafter they gave him a name as well.  A name that would sound as cute and furious as the little dragon was himself…

... they called himDragon”.


(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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