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Dragon finds his Family
Dragon goes to Germany
Detective Dragon
The Soccer Match
A Dragon's Christmas
Dragon's Snowman
Dragons Road Trip
A Medal for Dragon
The Backyard Explorers

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This and That:

Dragon Stories

The Soccer Match (Part 2)

By Sarah Blauen
Illustrated by Wolfgang Blauen


Dragon decided to be the first one to give light bulb a kick. Knock! It moved – a bit wobbly, but it did roll! 

“Yea!” they all cheered and clapped. “Now we can play soccer!”

Lion ran to the end of the bed and Little Dragon went to Mom’s side of the bed. Dragon gave the light bulb a hard kick and it rolled in a crooked line to Lion. Lion knocked it with his head to Little Dragon. Little Dragon ran toward the light bulb and whacked it with his tail. Now the game was really getting fun! The three friends were laughing and jumping and running and kicking . The light bulb made a good, funny ball!

The light bulb landed on the tile floor and broke into lots and lots of sharp pieces of glass. 

Mom came running into the room when she heard breaking glass.

“What happened? How did the light bulb end up on the floor?” Mom asked looking at the three huddled on the edge of the bed.


“Well,” said Dragon, “we wanted to play ball and the light bulb worked really well.”

“Until it hit the floor,” Lion said shaking his head.

“Sorry Mom,” Little Dragon said quietly. “We didn’t know it would break.”

The three friends were very sad and very sorry.

“Stay on the bed so no one gets cut on the glass,” Mom said as she began cleaning up the mess. “Now you know that a light bulb is not a ball. Next time, ask me to help you find something safe to play with.”

Dragon, Lion and Little Dragon crossed their heart and promised they would ask next time. Mom patted each one on the head and they knew everything would be all right. Then, Mom rolled up the sock and tucked it in, like she typically does, and gave it to them to play with. 

This time the sock stayed rolled up and the three friends had a great soccer match.

(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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