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In Scope Solutions, Inc. offers a variety of Consulting Services to help you grow your business, increase you productivity and reduce the time you need to spend in the office. We can help you achieve the state where you can focus on running and growing your business as opposed to fighting fires and doing the work yourself. From overhead reduction through employee training to IT Management services. We use tried and true methods to save you time, effort and money. Contact us and Give us a try.
- You'll like what you'll get.


This and That:


This section contains miscellaneous publications. Some of which are of a purely entertaining character while others are intended to educate or simply state our point of view on a range of subjects.

Learning Financial Responsibility is an eBook that was written to teach some tried and true methods for avoiding the common pitfalls of the 21st century. From the basics of learning the difference between want and need to explanations of important commonly used terms and their relation, this book is supposed to be a real world "How to" guide for building a sound financial environment. You may purchase a consolidated copy of this eBook, without advertising, for $5 US by contacting In Scope Solutions, Inc.

Dragon Stories Is a collection of children's stories featuring a little stuffed animal (Dragon) who experiences exciting adventures. The stories are intended for children between the ages of 4 and 10. You may purchase a consolidated copy of this eBook, without advertising, for $5 US by contacting In Scope Solutions, Inc.

Flat Stanley's Travels is based on the paper cut-out figure school children some times have to write stories for. In this story the paper man experiences a variety of travel adventures until he finally returns to his owner.

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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