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In Scope Solutions, Inc. offers a variety of Consulting Services to help you grow your business, increase you productivity and reduce the time you need to spend in the office. We can help you achieve the state where you can focus on running and growing your business as opposed to fighting fires and doing the work yourself. From overhead reduction through employee training to IT Management services. We use tried and true methods to save you time, effort and money. Contact us and Give us a try.
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This and That:

Flat Stanley's Travel Adventures

Flat Stanley's Journal (Part 2)  

Adventures with Jane and Bob Miller
November through December, 2004
By Sarah and Wolfgang Blauen

November 18, 2004
I have spent some time watching Miss Jane work. She works from the house in their office. The Millers have a large desk with two computer monitors on it so both of them can work there at the same time. Miss Jane uses the computers to pay bills, send emails and create training manuals. We worked together on writing a licensing agreement and correcting some marketing brochures. Mr. Bob is a busy person, too. Every morning he leaves the house for work and is gone for eight hours. Since I don’t have a security badge, I can’t go to work with Mr. Bob. In the evening, Mr. Bob comes home, eats dinner, watches a little TV and then goes into the office to work some more. 

November 19, 2004
This afternoon I met Miss Jane’s younger sister, Natalie Hughes. She has a two-story house in a part of Plano called Deerfield. I wanted to slide down the banisters but decided that wouldn’t be polite on the first visit. The three of us went to Love Field Airport to pick-up the girls’ mother, Mrs. Glaser. Later in the afternoon, I also met Miss Jane’s nephew, Jonathon Hughes. He’s in 9th grade and is really tall and thin (but not as thin as me!).

November 20, 2004
Miss Jane, Natalie, Mrs. Glaser and I went to a Christmas Crafts Show at the Plano Centre. That’s the Plano civic center. Wow, what a place! There were lots and lots of people shopping. We had fun looking at all the handmade Christmas ornaments and decorations. Our favorite booth had items made by the Plano Senior Citizens. Many of these crafts reminded the girls of things their Grandma used to make. After we had seen everything, we met Miss Jane’s older sister, Susan, for lunch and a little more shopping. All the walking made me tired!

November 21, 2004
Miss Jane and I took Mrs. Glaser back to the airport. She invited me to come to her house in Canyon for Thanksgiving. I assured her that I am an easy houseguest because I don’t eat much and I hardly take up any room. There were lots of hugs when we dropped her off at the curb then she hurried inside to catch her plane. Miss Jane and I drove the Dallas North Toll way and then the President George Bush Toll way back to Plano. I got to count out the coins for each tollbooth. Miss Jane threw coins in the container because she was afraid I might fly out of the window.

November 23, 2004
I finally got up my nerve and went into the Master bedroom to meet Dragon. It turns out that Miss Jane and Mr. Bob were right, he isn’t scary at all. Dragon is just a baby dragon and hasn’t learned to breathe fire yet. We had fun playing and even got our picture taken together.

(read on ...) 

Copyright (c) 2008 by In Scope-Solutions, Inc. 

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